In 2021, the concept of Metaverse came into being and drew a huge attention of the whole world. It has become a hot topic in blockchain, financial and game world. On August 14, Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, admitted that he is a firm believer of metaverse during the interview by The Verge.
In 2020, DeFi is a star in blockchain digital economy. While until now, NFT attracts all attention in 2021. From artists’ NFT products to NFT investment value, everyone is focusing on NFT and participating in a carnival of NFT in blockchain industry. Those with a long-term vision are finding the next big news in the digital economy.
With the innovative application of big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain and mobile network technologies represented by 5G, the world is rapidly entering into the digital economy era with digital information as the key production factor, leading to a profound changes in the new digital life scenarios.
Una svolta nel campo dei Vaporizzatori, VOOPOO ha sempre raggiunto prestazioni eccezionali nel design, nella tecnologia e nei prodotti. Con all'interno un grande aggiornamento, VOOPOO ha sviluppato in modo indipendente una nuova piattaforma Innovative Delicious Optimization solution (ITO), e i prodotti della serie Doric basati su questa piattaforma saranno pronti per essere rilasciati anche alla f
In 2021, blockchain venture capital investment market in the world keeps rebounding. Only in the first half year of 2021, the scale of investment has surpassed that in the whole year of 2020. Investment focus moves to the multiple fields in the blockchain investment sector.
Founded in 2020, since then, Mixed Elements has gained an explosive development. Starting from $30 million initial investment capital, it has raised more than $400 million in more than a year, rapidly growing into an emerging blockchain technology investment company favored by capitals such as R3, IBM, JP Morgan.
In 2021, although unrest continues to increase in cryptocurrency market, Mixed Elements, an emerging blockchain technology investment company based in Singapore, is raising its funding.
Il numero di investitori istituzionali (gestori patrimoniali, fondazioni) con asset crittografici è aumentato drasticamente e continuerà a crescere in futuro, secondo una nuova indagine di Fidelity Digital Assets. Il 70% degli investitori istituzionali intende acquistare o investire in asset digitali nel prossimo futuro, con oltre il 90% di loro che prevede di farlo entro il 2026. Più del 90% di q
Egg Netowrk integra l'essenza della tecnologia blockchain e fornisce una serie di modelli di tecnologia blockchain per implementare un nuovo protocollo di intelligenza elemento
Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (“SMIC”) went public on the Sci-Tech Innovation Board (STAR Market) on 16 July. It took only 19 days for SMIC to gain regulatory approval, breaking the record for the STAR Market. The over-allotment option was fully exercised, thus raising a total of 53.2 billion yuan. Based on the issue price, SMIC’s market value will reach a record-setting 2
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