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The three-in-one Tinanik sunscreen innovates sun-proof, whitening and anti-aging


As everyone knows, sunscreen has a very important position in the skin-care industry. It can not only prevent sunburn, but also play an important role in reducing the incidence rate of skin cancer. With the improvement of people’ s requirements for sunscreen, single sunscreen efficacy can not meet the needs of consumers. Nowadays, women proposed new requirements, like refuse sunburn, whitening and

Bayer and OrigiMed reached a partnership on CDx-IVD development


Bayer and OrigiMed (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (referred to as "OrigiMed") today announced a strategic collaboration for the development and commercialization of NGS-based companion diagnostics – in vitro diagnostic (CDx-IVD) in China for detection of NTRK gene fusions. This collaboration will focus on developing a CDx-IVD for larotrectinib (Vitrakvi®) for the Chinese market, the first TRK inhibitor appr

Nexign amplia la sua presenza internazionale aprendo una nuova sede nell’America Latina


Nexign, un’azienda del gruppo ICS Holding e un leader nello sviluppo di soluzioni per l’Internet degli oggetti (IoT) e sistemi di supporto al business (BSS, Business Support System) per società di servizi di telecomunicazioni, oggi ha annunciato l’espansione della sua presenza internazionale nell’America Latina con l’apertura di una nuova sede a Santo Domingo, Repubblica Dominicana. Questa iniziat



Come una delle serie di dispositivi di punta di HONOR, la serie HONOR 20 è stata progettata con una maggiore enfasi sull'essere alla moda ed elegante. Come un fotografo professionista, HONOR 20S - con la sua capacità di IA - manipola la luce e il movimento con il fitness, creando capolavori con i suoi obiettivi e con il minimo input da parte degli utenti. Dal design del dispositivo e dall'esclusiv

China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Frade Zone Welcomes Global Investors!


Jun 6, the 2020 Online Investment Promotion and Contract Signing of China (Guangxi) Pilot Free Trade Zone is launched in Nanning, Guangxi. The online promotion activity has invited chambers of commerce and business representatives, building a platform for global investors from all walks of life to realize the seamless connection with Guangxi pilot free trade zone.

Never gave up holding new lives in her arms for a decade


For a decade, from warm spring to cold winter, no matter it is in the day or at night, the midwife Zhang Baiyi is always on call to deal with the maternity emergencies. In the delivery room, she generously devoted her youthful enthusiasm in excellently helping complete the relay of life again and again. Every time she holds the life in her arms, she wishes nothing but “safety for the mother and he

Is hawkish adviser Peter Navarro accountable for his role in pandemic response?


Hawks are like gatecrashers at the battle against the coronavirus. We know them from previous political dramas. But at a time when we are saving people’s lives and looking for medical supplies, we find them extremely dangerous. One of the infamous and fervent hawkish politicians in the Trump Administration, Peter Navarro, is now in charge of pandemic supplies. Can he get us enough masks in the fas

A Blame Game That Costs Lives


The Covid-19 death toll keeps surging every day. As of April 26, the coronavirus casualty has surpassed 50,000 in the United States. When there is a disaster and our beloved ones might suffer or lose life, we look up to someone competent and strong to plan, execute and lead us out of the darkness. But instead we see rivalries and blame games - pointing fingers with ridiculous reasons.

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Perché la stampante inkjet portatile CYCJET rende la vostra produzione più efficiente?

Il gas conclude in ribasso (-1,8%) a 39 euro al Megawattora

'Harris surclassa Trump tra i latinos nei 7 Stati chiave'

++ Roccella,per rete mondiale femminismo noi esempio su Gpa ++

Meloni, 'le banche non sono nemiche, abbiamo collaborato'

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