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I think tank cinesi e italiani rilasciano un rapporto di ricerca sulla neutralità del carbonio nell’aviazione civile


I think tank cinesi e italiani e il portale di notizie cinese Global Times Online hanno tenuto il 15 novembre un evento virtuale per rilasciare un rapporto di ricerca sul raggiungimento del picco e della neutralità del carbonio nel settore dell’aviazione civile tra Cina e Italia.

Metaverse is a Hot Concept, and DiDimessage will be the Connector in the Future World


Zuckerberg holds his annual Connect conference on October 28 at Facebook's Silicon Valley headquarters. During the meeting, Zuckerberg announced that Facebook would change its name to "Meta" and that it would invest $100 billion in metaverse in 2022. And that the company's stock code would change from "FB" to "MVRS" from December 1. A new name, Meta, and a new LOGO similar to the "Infinity" symbol were born, marking the opening of a new era of the metaverse that belonged to Zuckerberg.

China Eastern Airlines puts $1.1 billion deals in its CIIE shopping cart


China Eastern Air Holding Co., Ltd., one of the largest airlines from China, is set to seal 14 deals worth $1.1 billion both online and offline during the fourth China International Import Expo (CIIE), which runs from Nov. 5 to 10 in Shanghai.

BYD ADL Enviro400EV Double Deck Electric Bus Fleet Used as VIP Transportation for World Leaders at COP26


BYD ADL Enviro400EV electric buses provide zero-emissions transportation for world leaders at COP26.

The First "North Bund International Aviation Forum" to be Held in Shanghai


Co-hosted by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government and the Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China, the "2021 North Bund Forum" will take place from Nov 3 to 5, 2021 in Shanghai.

Sfida Top Five moto dal futuro, X-IDEA lancia il suo concetto di moto XCELL con posizione di guida libera di regolazione


Al 19° China International Motorcycle Exhibition di Chongqing, il 17 settembre 2021, X-IDEA Industry Design Group ha rivelato un concetto di moto a due ruote a celle a combustibile chiamato XCELL. Il veicolo ha attirato l'attenzione di tutte le classi sociali.

"Shengze Weaving" Embarking on a New Journey


In 2014, Shengze Town (Wujiang District, Suzhou City) which has an industry, a market, and enterprises valued hundred billion yuan, extended an invitation to the global textile industry as the host of the First Jiangsu (Shengze) Textile Expo. From then on, "Shengze Weaving" has come into the view of the global professional market.

Tiens Group Sticks to Development Belief of “Embracing the World and Serving the World”


Tianjin, China - Tiens Group, which has always been committed to becoming leader of global comprehensive health industry, held a “26th Anniversary Carnival” celebration on October 16, 2021, which once again conveyed Tiens’s development belief of “Embracing the World and Serving the World” to global partners and people around the world who concern about development of comprehensive health industry.

Tiens Group rămâne la convingerea de dezvoltare "Îmbrățișând și servind lumea"


Tiens Group, care a fost întotdeauna angajat în a deveni lider global în industria sănătății, a celebrat "Carnavalul pentru a 26-a Aniversare" pe 16 octombrie 2021 și a transmis încă o dată conceptul de dezvoltare Tiens "Îmbrățișând și servind lumea" către partenerii globali și oamenii din întreaga lume care sunt preocupați de dezvoltarea întregii industrii de sănătate.

Група компаній Tiens впроваджує принципи розвитку "Обіймати світ і і служити світові"


Корпорація “Tiens”, яка завжди прагне стати лідером світового промислового комплексу охорони здоров'я, 16 жовтня 2021 року провела святкування "Карнавал на честь 26-ї річниці", чим ще раз продемонструвала переконання “Tiens” "Обіймати світ і служити світові" глобальним партнерам і людям всього світу, які піклуються про розвиток індустрії комплексної охорони здоров'я.

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Kiev, 'già ripristinata l'assistenza Usa all'Ucraina'

Champions: Inzaghi, la squadra si merita grandi complimenti

Champions: Liverpool ko ai rigori, Psg ai quarti con Donnarumma

Champions: 2-1 al Feyenoord, Inter ai quarti col Bayern

Casa Bianca, su acciaio-alluminio dal Canada dazi restano al 25%

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