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China Eastern Airlines Becomes "Core Supporting Enterprise and Designated Air Carrier for the 4th CIIE"


Recently, as the countdown to the opening ceremony of the 4th CIIE (the 4th China International Import Expo) was underway, the China International Import Expo Bureau and NECC (National Exhibition and Convention Center ,Shanghai), issued an honorary certificate to China Eastern Airlines Group, designating it as the "core supporting enterprise and designated air carrier for the 4th CIIE".

CEA Flies China's First Full Life-Cycle Carbon-Neutral Flight


On the morning of October 12, the CEA flight MU5103 between Shanghai Hongqiao and Beijing Capital made its first successful maiden voyage as China's first full life-cycle carbon-neutral flight. From that day to December 10, CEA will operate the first batch of 780 full life-cycle carbon-neutral flights on 13 domestic routes, adding up to more than one million kilometers of green trails.

Annual General Meeting of IATA 2022 to be Held in Shanghai


On 4 October 2021, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced at the 77th Annual General Meeting of IATA being held in Boston, USA that China Eastern Airlines will host the 78th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and World Air Transport Summit in Shanghai, China, on 19-21 June 2022.

China Eastern Airlines ha inaugurato il nuovo Programma Fedeltà a livello globale!


Il 26 settembre, China Eastern Airlines ha tenuto la conferenza stampa "New Value, New Experience, New Pleasure—China Eastern Airlines New Loyalty Program" presso la Shanghai Tower. Il Programma Fedeltà "Eastern Miles" rilasciato a livello globale presenta cinque punti salienti: un nuovo aggiornamento del programma, un nuovo sistema di accumulo punti, un nuovo metodo di scambio punti, una nuova se

BYD lanza su Plataforma-e 3.0 y presenta el nuevo concept car Ocean-X


La nueva generación de plataforma electrónica de BYD estará abierta a la industria para facilitar el desarrollo de vehículos eléctricos inteligentes en todo el mundo.

Gli Olimpiadi Invernali di Pechino ben attesi


Per de Coubertin un evento sportivo a livello mondiale è un collante fondamentale per la pace, l’amicizia ed il progresso. Questi elementi sono fondamentali in una società moderna, che va altre i confini dei paesi e delle etnie. Il precursore dei moderni Giochi Olimpici praticati fin dall’antichità, riteneva che le competizioni sportive, non sono solo sfide ginniche, ma rappresentano un grande pas

BYD lanza su Plataforma-e 3.0 y presenta el nuevo concept car Ocean-X


La nueva generación de plataforma electrónica de BYD estará abierta a la industria para facilitar el desarrollo de vehículos eléctricos inteligentes en todo el mundo.

Tiens Group Uluslararası Sağlık Endüstrisi Forumunu Düzenledi


Çin'deki en etkili çok uluslu şirketlerden biri olan Tiens Group, 1995 yılından gümüze kadar insanların daha iyi yaşamasına yardımcı olma hedefine sadık kalmıştır. Başlangıçta, Tiens Group'un ana ürünleri kalsiyum gibi sağlıklı ürünleri barındırmaktaydı. Ancak şimdiye kadar sınır ötesi e-ticaret, uluslararası turizm, canlı yayın ve terminal ekipmanları mağazaları gibi birçok çeşitli endüstrilerde

Strategic Partner Of CWIEME Berlin Holds Inner Mongolia Rare-Earth Industry Online Show In China This Month


On July 20, 2021, the Inner Mongolia Rare-Earth Industry online show, sponsored by the Department of Commerce of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, CMEC International Exhibition Co., Ltd., will kick off, which will set the stage for rare-earth industry enterprises to integrate image display, brand promotion, mutual exchange, and business negotiation, and will jointly grasp the future growth of the




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Kiev, 'già ripristinata l'assistenza Usa all'Ucraina'

Champions: Inzaghi, la squadra si merita grandi complimenti

Champions: Liverpool ko ai rigori, Psg ai quarti con Donnarumma

Champions: 2-1 al Feyenoord, Inter ai quarti col Bayern

Casa Bianca, su acciaio-alluminio dal Canada dazi restano al 25%

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